Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Movie Review: "The Croods"

I went with my family to see "The Croods" and expected it to be just crude not funny. Boy was I wrong!

"The Croods" is the story of a cave man family that goes on a journey because the continents are drifting apart. They meet friends, Guy and Belt, who show them the way to go and create humor along the way.

This movie is very funny , so funny that I nearly fell out of my seat! It is also interesting, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

"The Croods" is colorful and imaginative. It's always fast paced and entertaining. I think it is best for kids 6-10 years old who like adventure and lots of humor.

Go see it. It's great!

If you have seen "The Croods" was it what you expected? If you want to see a little bit, here's a clip:

Check out the official "The Croods" website HERE.


  1. Great job on your review. Sounds like a really funny movie, but do you think the story could have really happened? When did the continents drift apart? Have they moved only once? Were there people around when the continents were moving?

  2. Nice work David! I like how you embedded graphics and a movie clip into your review, because I have not seen the movie and probably won't ever, so now I feel like I at least know a little bit about what the movie is like. Great job!
